Okay, it's been a while and I haven't been very attentive to this site. I've been finishing up my latest novel. I can almost say I am done with the editing and revisions. I hope to get it out there for an editor to go over it very shortly.
It's usually a crap shoot when you send your manuscript out for a stranger to edit. Will they leave my voice alone and concentrate on content, consistancy, grammar and puntuation? Or will they get too involved and change the tone, thereby changing the voice I wrote in. Heck, even I don't know exactly what my voice is, but I sure don't want someone messing with it.
Well, here's hoping I hook up with the right editor. I'll keep posting as I make my way through. If anyone out there has had a great experience with an editor, let me know. I used 4 different one's with my first book and only one for the second.
Good luck with your book, hope it gets out there.